Santosh Bhartiya
Every historic event has its own set of challenges. The babri masjid demolition dispute is the first ever incident in India which has challenged our nationality and objectivity. The hearing of 60 year old dispute is over. The time has come where decision will be taken once and for all. Certainly the decision will move to supreme court. It is highly obtrusive that RSS and Vishwa Hindu parishad will negate the decision if it will be against their wish. For RSS the decision has become a means to grab their land back.
There is a possibility that they will enthuse spark among the staunch mind which will indeed lead to situation quite similar to Gujarat.
Though there is an enigmatic silence in All India Babri Action Committee and among the Muslims.
What will happen after the verdict of Allahabad High Court? There is plethora of apprehension everywhere. The court’s decision will clarify who has the right on the disputed land.
Interestingly, the Uttar Pradesh government has asked for security forces. Even Prime Minister
had meeting with responsible ministers and secret agencies. Lal Krishna Advani has also requested his party members to give balanced statements.
The decision will have a major impact on Uttar Pradesh and it has a huge challenge to prevent the violence.
During 1992 government of Narsimha Rao was in deep slumber. On 6th of December when former Prime Minister Chandrashekhar called to talk to prime minister on the issue he was told bluntly that he is sleeping.
The ministers in Narsimharao government have given information that despite of having the fugitive information , central government failed to take any action. It will be responsibility of central government to respect the decision of court in Ayodhya. Center has to keep an eye on entire country. If something violent occurs in country centre should be capable enough to take apposite. The big challenge is to give priority to the future of the country rather than mere short term political benefits.
The essence of Ram Janambhumi was the most pivotal catalyst in catapulting BJP as a major political force in the country giving it a pan Indian outlook and presence.
It’s a dismal truth that due to irresponsible role of media country faced many riots. Be it the riots of Gujarat or Rath Yatra of Advani few section of media have added fuel to the fire. But the biggest challenge for us is to understand the truth behind and actions ahead.
(courtsey eng.chauthiduniya)
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